API Reference


exception slacktools.authorization.SignatureVersionException
slacktools.authorization.verify_signature(signing_secret: str, request_timestamp: int, body: str, signature: str, current_timestamp: int = None) → bool

Verifies a signature from X-Slack-Signature and X-Slack-Request-Timestamp

see: https://api.slack.com/docs/verifying-requests-from-slack

also see the implementation in: slackapi/python-slack-events-api. Check out SlackServer.verify_signature. History: 2018-09-09

Raises:SignatureVersionException if the signature version is something other than v0

Working With Messages

slacktools.message.extract_mentions(text: str) → List[str]

Returns a list of slack user ID strings in the order that they appear in the string

>>> extract_mentions('waddup <@U5H9UR207> testing <@U8DCV8P6X>')
['U5H9UR207', 'U8DCV8P6X']
>>> extract_mentions('hey <@U5GJR5GF7> test this yooo <@U5GJR5GF7>')
['U5GJR5GF7', 'U5GJR5GF7']
>>> extract_mentions('<@U5GJR5GF7><@U5H9UR207><@U5GJR5GF7>')
['U5GJR5GF7', 'U5H9UR207', 'U5GJR5GF7']
slacktools.message.extract_unique_mentions(text: str) → Set[str]

Returns a set of slack user ID strings

>>> extract_unique_mentions('hey <@U5GJR5GF7> test this yooo <@U5GJR5GF7>')
>>> extract_unique_mentions('waddup <@U5H9UR207> testing <@U8DCV8P6X>') - {'U8DCV8P6X', 'U5H9UR207'}
slacktools.message.extract_user_id_from_mention(m: str) → Optional[str]

Given a slack mention control sequence extract the

>>> extract_user_id_from_mention('<@U5H9UR207>')
>>> extract_user_id_from_mention('ayy') is None

Formats a channel name and ID as a channel link using slack control sequences https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#linking_to_channels_and_users

>>> format_channel_link('general', 'C024BE7LR')
slacktools.message.format_slack_mention(slack_id: str)

Formats a slack user ID as a mention using slack control sequences https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#linking_to_channels_and_users

>>> format_slack_mention('U5H9UR207')
slacktools.message.format_url(text, url)

Formats an inline slack hyperlink to a URL https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#linking_to_urls

>>> format_url('my website', 'https://austinpray.com')
'<my website|https://austinpray.com>'
slacktools.message.is_user_mention(s: str) → bool

tests if a string is a user mention control sequence

>>> is_user_mention('<@UXXXXXXXX>')
>>> is_user_mention('<@UXX>')
slacktools.message.slack_escape(text: str) → str

Escape slack control sequences in a string https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#how_to_escape_characters

>>> slack_escape('Hello & <world> 🌊')
'Hello &amp; &lt;world&gt; 🌊'

Sending Messages

slacktools.chat.reply(slack_client, message: dict, text: str)

Takes a message from some channel and chat.postMessage some text back with a user mention prepended

slacktools.chat.send(slack_client, channel: str, text: str)

chat.postMessage to a channel

slacktools.chat.send_ephemeral(slack_client, channel: str, user: str, text: str)

chat.postEphemeral to a channel and user


slacktools.chat.send_ephemeral_factory(slack_client, channel: str, user: str)

Curried function for sending ephemeral messages so you don’t have to keep passing channel and user in.

slacktools.chat.send_factory(slack_client, channel: str)

Curried function for sending messages so you don’t have to keep passing channel in.

Silly Stuff

class slacktools.arguments.SlackArgumentParser(prog=None, usage=None, description=None, epilog=None, parents=[], formatter_class=<class 'argparse.HelpFormatter'>, prefix_chars='-', fromfile_prefix_chars=None, argument_default=None, conflict_handler='error', add_help=True, allow_abbrev=True)

If, for some silly reason, you want your bot to accept argparse.ArgumentParser style arguments you can use this.


We override this method because ArgumentParser’s error() method prints stuff to stdout and then calls exit(1)

exception slacktools.arguments.SlackArgumentParserException